Congratulations to Ava Bart! She is our Baitshop Life Beauty of the Month for April. You can find Ava on Instagram @avabartt, and we feature her and her awesome catches all the time on @baitshoplife and @baitshopcatch! Ava is a fantastic angler with some especially sweet mutton catches! Here is some more information on this awesome female angler. Congrats Ava!
Tell us a little about yourself!
Hey! I’m Ava. I love everything outdoors! I was born and raised in the beautiful Jupiter, FL. I’ve grown up on the water and along the beaches.
When did you start fishing? And who got you into the sport?
I started fishing as a child with my dad but became more serious about 4 years ago when I met my boyfriend.
What is your favorite fish to catch?
What is the most difficult fish to fight?
Do you have a favorite lure or bait?
I love using Bonita as bait! So many uses for it!
Do you have a favorite place or spot to fish?
I love fishing off Jupiter; however, my favorite place has to be Venice, LA. I’ve had some unforgettable trips there!
What are some of your other favorite hobbies?
Besides fishing I absolutely love hunting. I spend most of hunting season up in Georgia. Gator hunting in Florida is super cool too!

Instagram: @avabartt