Specialized Fishing Techniques


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5 Great Summer Trout Fishing Tips for Beginners

July 12, 2024 | Baitshop Kelly

Trout can be more elusive during the warm summer months, making it a rewarding challenge to figure out where and how to catch them. Here are five essential summer trout fishing tips for beginners to help you get started. 1. …

8 Tips for Successful Night Fishing

July 8, 2024 | Baitshop Garrett

Night fishing offers numerous advantages, from escaping the heat of the day to catching fish off guard. However, it can be challenging. These eight tips will help ensure a successful night fishing trip. Pack your cooler with midnight snacks, grab …

Mastering Special Fly Fishing Casts

June 30, 2024 | Baitshop Kevin

Fly fishing is an art that requires mastering various casting techniques. While the basic overhead cast is essential, special casts can help anglers navigate challenging situations and improve their success rates. Here are some advanced fly fishing casts that every …

Spearfishing for Beginners: Getting Started with Confidence

June 30, 2024 | Baitshop Kelly

Spearfishing can seem daunting for beginners, but with the right approach, it can be an incredibly rewarding activity. Start by taking a course or learning from experienced spearfishers to understand the basics. Choose easy-to-navigate waters with good visibility and abundant …

Deep Sea Spearfishing: The Ultimate Underwater Adventure

June 29, 2024 | Baitshop Brandy

Discover the thrilling world of deep-sea spearfishing, where every dive offers the promise of an exhilarating catch. Spearfishing combines free diving and hunting, requiring skill, precision, and a keen eye for the underwater environment. To get started, ensure you have …

Miami Spearfishing: A Diver’s Paradise

June 25, 2024 | Baitshop Rob

Miami is a world-renowned party destination, but there’s more to this vibrant city than nightlife. Below the surface lies a spearfishing paradise teeming with diverse marine life and underwater structures. A Bounty of Fish and Exploration: Abundant Reefs and Wrecks: …

Choosing the Right Fly Rod Length for Small Stream Fishing

May 29, 2024 | Baitshop Garrett

When it comes to fishing in small streams, there’s a common misconception that a short, tiny rod is the way to go. However, experienced anglers know that opting for a longer rod, typically between 8 and 9 feet, can often …

Fly Fishing Houston’s Urban Waters

May 22, 2024 | Baitshop Kevin

Houston’s urban waters are home to a surprising array of fish species, offering unique angling experiences for adventurous fly fishers. From largemouth bass to carp and even speckled trout, these city waterways are bustling with piscine life waiting to be …

Mastering the Art of Fly Fishing with Two Essential Casts

April 20, 2024 | Baitshop Sarah

Fly fishing might seem intimidating at first, but with a little practice, you can be casting like a pro in no time. This guide focuses on two fundamental casts that will cover most situations you’ll encounter: the overhead cast and …

5 Fly Fishing Tactics for High Water Success in the Spring

April 18, 2024 | Baitshop Garrett

Spring brings joy to fly anglers – warmer waters awaken insects and activate feeding frenzies for trout. But in many areas, spring also means battling high water flows caused by melting snowpack, known as “runoff.” Don’t let these changing conditions …

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