Dwayne Johnson AKA “The Rock” is among many things a movie star and a former wrestler, but he’s also just a dad who takes his girls fishing. Recently, he took his youngest daughters Jasmine, 5, and Tiana Gia, 3, on their first fishing trip. He documented the outing on Instagram with some adorable pics.

Johnson wrote of the trip. “Their smiles say it all – thank God cos lil’ kids can get traumatized when they see a fish being pulled from the water for the first time…Not my girls. ‘This is AWESOME! Daddy can I touch his eye?… Yeah can I put my hand in his mouth? Let’s catch MORE’ Hell yeah, daddy’s girls. Man, I enjoyed this day w/ our babies and how much fun they had. #firstfishingtrip #ohana #donttouchhiseye”
He went on to talk about a fishing tradition in his family, “My old man would do two things to bond with me when I was a lil’ boy — he’d take me fishing and kick my little ass in the gym. So man this is very cool that I can bond with my lil’ girls — so daddy can show em how to slow drag a 1/2 ounce double blade spinner bait thru the brush til it gets slammed by a big ol’ hog…When and if we catch a fish today they’re either gonna be ‘hooked for life’ or completely traumatized…Here we go #daddydaughterbonding #hogsandfrogs.”
Check out his IG for more great pics of this amazing fishing trip.
Source: EOnline