16-Year-Old Boy Decapitated By Shark Fishing in Jamaica

A tragic incident occurred off the coast of northern Jamaica, where a 16-year-old named Jahmari Reid was attacked and killed by a shark while spearfishing. The young secondary school student from the Trelawny area in northwest Jamaica went missing on Monday after going to sea alone near Montego Bay, a popular tourist destination.

Local fishermen discovered Jahmari’s body the following day, and police confirmed that the injuries were consistent with a shark attack. Reports indicate that he had been decapitated, and one of his arms was bitten off. Authorities are reportedly working to kill the shark involved and recover the severed head.

Jahmari’s father, Michael Reid, expressed deep sorrow over the loss, stating disbelief that his son ventured out to sea alone, leading to such a devastating outcome.

Shark attacks in Jamaica are extremely rare. According to the Florida-based International Shark Attack File, administered by the Florida Museum of Natural History and the American Elasmobranch Society, only three unprovoked shark attacks have been reported in Jamaica since 1749. Globally, 69 confirmed unprovoked shark attacks were recorded last year, with 14 resulting in fatalities.

Images/Source: SkyNews

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