Young Angler Sets St. Marys River Bowfin Record

A piece of cut bream fished on the bottom led to a record-setting bowfin catch for Colt James on the St. Marys River. On Feb. 22, Colt James of Waycross landed a 6-lb., 7.68-oz. bowfin while fishing with his father. Measuring 26 inches in length, the impressive catch set the benchmark record for the St. Marys River. At just 12 years old, Colt has already made a name in the angling community, holding multiple GON Lake and River Records across several south Georgia waterways.

While fishing in 10 feet of water around 1 p.m., Colt used a piece of cut bream as bait when the big fish took hold.

“Several redbreast and a catfish had been caught earlier that morning, and while cooking lunch on a sandbar, a few poles were set out in hopes of landing a record mudfish,” Colt said.

Noticing the line start to thump, Colt gave the fish a few moments before setting the hook hard, knowing bowfin have tough mouths. The battle was intense as the fish tried to reach submerged timber, but Colt managed to gain control. When the fish was brought to the edge of the bank, his father made several attempts before successfully netting it.

“We had already caught a few 5-pounders that morning, but this one was clearly bigger. A quick weigh-in showed 6.5 pounds,” Colt recalled.

To certify the record, the fish was taken to the Waycross Fisheries Office. Craig James, Colt’s father, praised the GON Lake and River Records program for giving young anglers opportunities to compete and track fish populations over time.

“These benchmark records allow fishermen, especially kids, to see their names in the record books. It’s great to see young anglers competing outdoors instead of in front of video games. Over time, as records are broken, a clearer picture emerges of the quality of fish in a given body of water,” Craig said.

Image/Source: GON

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