How to Find the Best Fishing Spots

Finding a great fishing spot near you is no east task. In this article, I will lay out the key factors in pinpointing where the fish are.

Type of Fish

The first thing you need to know about is the type of fish that you are going to be fishing for. This is key because each kind of fish likes certain things and behaves in a certain way. If you know the type of fish you want to catch, then you could study their behaviors and this will help you figure out the best spots they will be located.

Key factors of finding a good spot come from knowing the kind of fish you are going after. For instance certain fish like certain temperatures of water. Also, they like certain vegetation to be around for cover. Also, some fish swim at lower or higher depths than others. All these things are key factors in finding a good spot and knowing what things the fish you are going after likes will help you find the best spot.

Research Area

This next step plays into the fish’s behavior and is very important if you haven’t been to a particular area to fish before. That is to research the area you are going to ahead of time. It is important to look up things such as the weather for the region. The weather factors in the season that the area is in and will help give you an idea of the type of temperatures to expect. By knowing these things and combining it with the fish’s behavior you will be able to locate a good potential spot faster.

Once you are at where you will be fishing the next research to do is scope out the area. Don’t just pick the very first spot you come to. Instead walk around and look to see which area looks the best. Pay attention to brush and the surrounding area. Also, try to notice the depth of the water. Lastly, see if you see any birds or other animals around. This can be an indication of if there is any baitfish in the area or not depending on what you are going for.

Use a Tool

The easy way to scout an area though is to use a special tool for the job. You can a small fish finder that you can cast out into the water from the shore. Then, you just have to open the app and read the information. The tool can measure the water temperature as well as the depth. These two things are probably the most important as it affects the kind of fish that will be in the area the most. The tool can let you know a whole lot more than that though. It can let you know if there is any vegetation under the water as well as if there is any structure on the bottom. This is important because of fish like hiding in both these things.

Lastly, the tool can even register if any fish are swimming around. This is nice because that is the easiest way to tell if it is a good spot or not. One key thing to remember when scouting spots is that it is okay to get close to the shore. While fishing you don’t want to be by the bank because that will scare the fish, but when scouting it is okay. That is because you want to be able to see everything possible. Sometimes it can actually be a benefit to get close to the bank. That is because you might scare fish out of where they are hiding. This can be useful information if you come back to that area and decide to fish there because then you will know where to cast your rod.

Pay Attention to Structure and Vegetation

This tip has already been touched on, but it is a very important one. Fish like areas where they are protected and structures and vegetation provide that. A structure is an object that a fish can get under. This means that it can be a dock, a ledge, or laydowns. A ledge is when the bank goes out over the water and allows the water to come under the land. A laydown is a log or tree that has followed into the water. Certain species really love different structures. Bass love docks and laydowns, while Walleye and Musk love ledges. Knowing what things your target species like is really important when it comes to structures.

For vegetation, there are a few in particular that are really worth targeting depending on the type of fish that you are going after. Certain species like certain things, so it is important to know what they are and if you find that kind of vegetation, then it is a good idea to fish near them. The first kind of plant to pay attention for is hydrilla. It is also called the bass magnet because bass loves it. Hydrilla is an invasive species and looks kind of like a leafy pine tree. The next thing to pay attention to are lily pads. Most people know what they look like, but if you don’t they look like giant leaves floating on the water. The last kind of plant we will mention here is hyacinth. It is free floating like a lily pad and has medium size waxy looking leaves. It is another one that is great for bass cover.

Even though we only touched on three common vegetation here there are a lot of other ones to pay attention for. This is especially true if the fish you are going after likes a certain type. Some fish don’t just use vegetation for cover, but they also use it for food. This means that if you can find the type of vegetation your target fish likes, then it is a good idea to fish by it. Fishing by vegetation is a good way for anyone new to fishing to be able to catch fish, so try to find tall grass or anything you can to fish near.


So, now you know some of the top secrets to find the best fishing spot. You know the best way to find the best spot is to know what your fish likes. Learn the species behavior characteristics and you will be well on your way to finding a good fishing spot. You need to learn what kind of temperature the fish likes as well as how it acts in different temperatures.

You also need to figure out the structures and vegetation it likes. Once you know these things it is easy to find a spot out on the water that matches this. The key when on location to find a good spot is to take a good walk around and look at everything. Once you have done this if you have a tool you can scan the water. If not, then pick the spot that looks the best after walking around. If you are new to fishing, then the best tip is to fish near vegetation or a structure. With these secrets and tips, you will be well on your way to catching a large fish.

All credit for these great tips goes to Hyper Outdoor.

Picture credits: Salt Strong

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