If You’re Fishing for Bass in Cold Water, Here’s a Couple Things you Should Know

The winter months bring colder weather and with it some new challenges especially when bass fishing. Watch this video and learn a few tips for fishing in the cold water for big bass.

As Glenn mentioned the bass are eating less frequently in the winter due to their slower metabolism. This means bass are eating as little as once a week when the water temps are cold as compared to several times a day during the summer months. For anglers there will be likely less action and less fish caught.

If you want to catch bass in cold water you will need to fish slower to mimic the bait the bass are hunting. This slowing down is also important because there will be fewer hits on your lures as the bass won’t be eating as much. You’d hate to miss a hit on a day when there will be far less action since. Also the bites will be more subtle since the bait is also moving slower. Apply these tips to your next angling trip and you’ll have good luck ripping lip.

Source: BassResource

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