Historic Fishing Shacks Washed Away by Record High Tide in Maine

Maine’s coast faced unprecedented challenges over the weekend as freezing cold storms wreaked havoc, resulting in the destruction of over 100-year-old fishing shacks. The quaint structures, situated at Fisherman’s Point, Willard Beach, in South Portland, fell victim to a record high tide that surged beyond 14 feet on Saturday, inundating streets and homes along the coastline.

Kathryn DiPhilippo, Executive Director of the South Portland Historical Society, expressed profound sorrow over the loss, describing the sight of the shacks being swept away as a heartbreaking spectacle of history vanishing before one’s eyes. These iconic landmarks, remnants of the city’s early fishing heritage, were cherished for their nostalgic value and scenic backdrop at Willard Beach.

Originally built by fishermen predating the city’s incorporation, the two remaining shacks were symbols of resilience, having survived numerous storms over the years. Despite efforts to preserve them, including recent repainting and repairs, they succumbed to the relentless force of nature during this latest ordeal.

The community, deeply saddened by the loss, has rallied behind the idea of rebuilding the cherished shacks. Architects and engineers have already drawn up plans, and donations are pouring in to support the restoration efforts. However, the prospect of rebuilding hinges on city approval, though the historical society remains committed to the cause.

Meanwhile, coastal flooding wreaked havoc across the region, with Portland experiencing its highest tide on record, surpassing levels set in 1978. The aftermath of the storms also left Maine’s beloved Pemaquid Point Light in Bristol damaged, though caretakers are optimistic about restoring the historic landmark.

As communities grapple with the aftermath of these devastating events, the resilience and determination to rebuild stand as testaments to the enduring spirit of Maine’s coastal heritage.

Images/Source: USAToday

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