Author Archives: Baitshop Kevin

How to Fish a Walking Bait

June 22, 2020 | 🪝 Featured | Baitshop Kevin

Walking baits can be a joy to throw any day. Watch the video below for some awesome tips on how to fish a walking bait!

How to Prepare Your Freshly-Caught Lobster

June 15, 2020 | 🪝 Eats | Baitshop Kevin

First consider the size of your pot for boiling the lobsters. An 8-quart pot will easily take one lobster, a 16-quart pot, 2 or 3 lobsters. If you are cooking a lot of lobsters you’ll either need to cook them …

The Best Ways to Rig Soft Plastics

June 8, 2020 | 🪝 Featured | Baitshop Kevin

Soft plastics are without question one of the greatest weapons in the bass fisherman’s arsenal. They come in hundreds of shapes, colors, and can be fished effectively in almost any scenario encountered on the water. With so many options, you …

The Best Flounder Lures

March 16, 2020 | 🪝 Featured | Baitshop Kevin

Fishing for flounder is a lot easier after you’ve figured out the best lures and baits to catch them. We’ve spent years polling experts and learning how to catch the species ourselves, and these are by far the best flounder lures to …

How to Match a Hook with a Lure

March 9, 2020 | 🪝 Featured | Baitshop Kevin

When buying a hook, the main features to consider are sharpness and how well the hook retains sharpness. You can quickly tell how sharp a hook is by laying it on your fingernail and pulling it. If it slides on your …

What Lures Should I Use for Jack Crevalles?

March 2, 2020 | 🪝 Featured | Baitshop Kevin

Jack Crevalle are lean, mean, eating machines, and they love to chomp on fast-moving lures. Jacks are schooling fish themselves, and will often surround a school of baitfish into a tight corner before attacking, where they each take turns to rush …

Baitshop Fishing Tips: Red Snapper

February 10, 2020 | 🪝 Baitshop Life | Baitshop Kevin

Here is an awesome guide on how to catch massive red snapper next time you are on the sea!

The Best Lobster Rolls in Cape Cod

January 29, 2020 | 🪝 Eats | Baitshop Kevin

With all the great options for Cape Cod lobster rolls, picking the right place to go for one can be a daunting task. Yankee contributor and seafood expert Mike Urban, author of Lobster Shacks (Countryman Press, 2016), takes some of the guesswork out of the selection process with his …

Catching Huge Salmon in Crystal-Clear Water [Video]

January 15, 2020 | 🪝 Baitshop Life | Baitshop Kevin

Crystal clear water and huge salmon is a difficult combo to beat for any fisherman. Enjoy!

January’s Bait Shop of the Month

January 3, 2020 | 🪝 Baitshop of The Month | Baitshop Kevin

Congratulations to Bulldog Bait and Tackle in Columbus, Georgia! Known for its massive worm selection and crickets, a bluegill and bass favorite, Bulldog Bait and Tackle is one of the top shops in Georgia. We urge you to stop by …