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It’s Humpday!

August 5, 2020 | Johnny Certo

When Wednesday arrives we know it’s something worth celebrating. The work week is officially half over and after today only two days remain until the weekend. Here is a Humpday themed post to keep you inspired for those upcoming angling …

It’s Humpday!

July 29, 2020 | Johnny Certo

It’s Wednesday and we are halfway through the work week which means it’s time to celebrate. Check out these humpday pics knowing the after today the majority of the work week is complete. Which one is your favorite? 1. 2. …


July 25, 2020 | Johnny Certo

When an angler nets a large fish they might brag about it for awhile. Whenever they tell the story the fish seems to get bigger and bigger, and people are less likely to believe them. The fishers below did the …

It’s Humpday!

July 22, 2020 | Johnny Certo

When it’s halfway through the week and only two days remain until the weekend it’s time to celebrate. Enjoy these humpday pics and know the after today the majority of the work week is complete. Which one is your favorite? …

Two is Always Better than One

July 21, 2020 | Johnny Certo

When an angler nets one fish it’s awesome, but netting two fish can make an angler’s day memorable for years to come. Below you’ll find many great examples of doubling up on amazing catches. In the comment section below, tell …


July 18, 2020 | Johnny Certo

When an angler lands a huge fish it provides them with bragging rights for years to come. In this post you’ll find ten massive catches that are worth writing home about. Check out the whole list and tell us which …

It’s Humpday!

July 15, 2020 | Johnny Certo

Making it to Wednesday is cause for a Humpday celebration. It means the work week is half over and the weekend fishing adventures as soon to begin. These anglers are fishing in true Humpday style. Tell us which pic you …

It’s Humpday!

July 8, 2020 | Johnny Certo

We officially made it to the middle of the week and it’s about time to celebrate with a Humpday themed post. The female anglers in this piece are enjoying this Wednesday in true Humpday style. Tell us which photo is …

It’s Fish Kiss Friday

July 3, 2020 | Johnny Certo

At long last the weekend has arrived and the fishing adventures can begin! These anglers are so happy to see their catches they are greeting them with a fish kiss. Which snapshot do you like the most? 1. 2. 3. …

It’s Humpday!

July 1, 2020 | Johnny Certo

Humpday, it has arrived and it’s time to celebrate the middle of the week. The weekend is in sight and we’re over the hump of the work week. The anglers below are here to help get you through this crucial …

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