Mastering the Art of Dip Netting: Tips and Techniques

Alexander Williamson is here to show you have to properly dip fish. Check out this video, filmed in Green Lake in Seattle, and learn all about this way to catch fish.

As you just saw dip fishing can be very fruitful if done in the proper way. There are two main techniques

Technique #1: The “J Stroke”

  1. Hold the Net Like a Pool Cue: Start by gripping the net with one hand near the handle and the other near the middle. This grip allows you to control the net’s movement effectively.
  2. Stay Stealthy: Approach the fish cautiously, keeping still and motionless. Ensure your shadow and reflection are not directly over the fish.
  3. Inch the Net Out: Extend the net slowly towards the fish, trying not to spook them. If the fish remain calm, you can inch the net out further.
  4. Lunge and Pull: When you’re ready, make a swift lunge with the net in the direction where the fish are likely to escape. Then, pull the net back towards you as quickly as possible. The key here is to have a quick, decisive movement.
  5. Master the Twist: As you pull the net back, use your hand near the handle to twist it. This motion ensures that the fish remains trapped in the net as you lift it from the water.

Technique #2: The “Slap and Grab”

  1. Hold the Net Firmly: Grip the net at both ends, preparing for a more forceful motion.
  2. Spot Your Prey: Identify your target fish, which is typically waiting patiently for its next meal.
  3. Slap and Pull: Execute a forceful slap with the net onto the water’s surface directly in front of the fish. This sudden disturbance will startle the fish.
  4. Twist and Turn: As the fish panics and moves towards the back of the net, twist your net to guide them towards the front, ensuring they get trapped in the net.

The Importance of Net Depth

When dip netting, consider the depth of the net in the water. It’s crucial not to have the net deeper than the net’s height, as this will make it challenging to pull it back quickly. You want to maintain control over your net and your catch.

Exploring Hidden Spots

Man-made embankments, bridges, and rocky areas often provide excellent dip-netting opportunities. Fish tend to hide in these areas, seeking refuge from potential threats. When navigating these environments:

  • Carefully explore under ledges and banks.
  • Use the net to pry fish from hiding spots.
  • Be cautious of deeper burrows like catfish holes, where fish may retreat.

Dip netting is an exhilarating way to connect with nature and discover the underwater world. While it may take time to perfect your technique, with practice, you can become a skilled dip netter. Remember to choose the right equipment, master the J stroke and slap and grab techniques, and always be aware of your net’s depth in the water. So, gear up and head out to your nearest water body – you never know what aquatic wonders you might uncover with your trusty dip net!

Images/Source: Fishtory

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