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Ice Fishing 101: Tips and Tricks You Need to Know [Video]

January 7, 2020 | Baitshop Garrett

The Best Shrimp Lures for Saltwater Fishing

January 7, 2020 | Baitshop Garrett

Red drum, spotted seatrout, mangrove snapper, flounder, grouper, striped bass, and snook are just a few examples of saltwater Fish species that you can catch using shrimp fishing lures. HOW TO SELECT SHRIMP FISHING LURES If you are just learning how to …

When to Use Treble Hooks

January 3, 2020 | Baitshop Dave

As a general rule, the treble hooks on the lures of most tournament pros aren’t original equipment. Less-expensive stock trebles are usually replaced with ultra-sharp premium hooks of the angler’s choice.  It goes beyond quality, though. Some high-end crankbaits, jerkbaits …

The Best Lures for Striped Bass

December 31, 2019 | Baitshop Rob

Striped bass are some of the strongest fighters and most fun to fish for. Here are the best lures to catch this awesome fish next time you are on some. Gibbs Danny Surface Swimmer Where, When and WhoAlong Long Island …

When to Fish a Jerkbait 101

December 23, 2019 | Baitshop Garrett

When to Use a Jerkbait Bass Fishing The jerkbait is considered one of the most lethal baits in bass fishing. It also has a reputation for catching beastly bass. Here are a few key determining factors to help you identify …

How to Choose the Best Baitcaster [Video]

December 20, 2019 | Baitshop Rob

Best Swimbaits for Bass

December 19, 2019 | Baitshop Sarah

Swimbaits are growing in popularity, and they are known for catching monster bass. These big bass lures catch some of the largest bass, which is why more and more anglers are trying out swimbaits. Swimbait fishing can take time and patience, but …

How and When to Use a Circle Hook

December 17, 2019 | Baitshop Kelly

Benefits of circle hooks Reduced deep hooking – improved survival of released fish and decreased loss of fishing tackle. Improved hook-up and landing rates for many species. The strike time is not as crucial for hook-up of fish. Lighter leaders/traces …

The Best Fishing Rods for Kids

December 12, 2019 | Baitshop Sarah

Starting with the right gear greatly increases the chance of success for young anglers who are getting started in fishing. In general, I recommend starting with simple gear that is inexpensive and very easy to use. These simple rigs teach …

How to Fish Spoons

December 10, 2019 | Baitshop Dave

The metal fishing spoon lure was believed to be first used back in the 1840’s. Spoons are a simple design, an oblong shape, concave on one side that catches water producing a wobble and light reflecting flash imitating a fleeing …

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