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The Best Ways to Fish a Creature Bait

October 9, 2019 | Baitshop Rob

A 4-pounder will love a creature bait. A 10-pounder will love it. A 12-pounder will love it. A 2-pounder? Well, maybe not as much. Sure. You’ll catch a few 1-½- and 2-pound fish on a creature bait. Mostly, though, this …

How to Fish Big Swimbaits for Big Bass

October 7, 2019 | Baitshop Garrett

I was talking with a professional angler friend the other day, and we discussed how the swimbait has become the jig of bass fishing in recent years. Yet there is still just a small faction of bass fishing fanatics who throw the really …

September 30, 2019 | Baitshop Garrett

Close your eyes, reach into your tacklebox and grab a topwater bait. Chances are, it will catch bass. Maybe not right now. Maybe not even today or tomorrow – but sooner or later, every surface bait you own will pull …

How to Fish Jigs 101

September 25, 2019 | Baitshop Rob

Many pro anglers feel jigs are the most versatile and productive of all artificial lures. They will work for a wide variety of species in almost any type of conditions. Jigs, with the exception of floating jigs, are weighted by …

A Beginner’s Guide to Tying Your Own Flies

September 20, 2019 | Baitshop Bobby

Most fly anglers hit a point in their fishing career when they think about tying their own flies. My personal journey in tying began two years after I picked up a fly rod. There’s an entirely new level of satisfaction from …

The 10 Best Spinning Reels for a $100 Budget

September 18, 2019 | Baitshop Garrett

1. Penn Battle II Spinning Reel – Best Spinning Reel Penn Battle II Spinning Reels have Peens Drag Washers in spool which allows drag washers to be used on both the sides. Due to this, Battle II has max drags, smooth start-ups, and more …

How to Fish Jointed Swimbaits

September 16, 2019 | Baitshop Rob

Soft plastic swimbaits have become a hit for many bass anglers, but the hard plastic jointed versions have never achieved as much notoriety.    An accomplished bass angler who relies on both soft and hard plastic swimbaits to trick bass …

How to Choose the Right Color Lure

September 12, 2019 | Baitshop Kevin

What color lure to use? Is the top question on an angler’s mind Sounds a bit dramatic, I know, but bait color has been probably one of the most-asked questions I get from emails, at sport shows, in tackle shops …

How to Choose the Right Fly Rod and Reel for You

September 9, 2019 | Baitshop Kevin

When choosing a new fly fishing setup, today’s angler is faced with a multitude of options, and the choices are enough to make a neophyte’s head spin. This article will explain the most important factors to consider when looking at …

How to Fish Soft Plastic Craws

September 3, 2019 | Baitshop Bobby

The plastic craw is a classic bass bait, and you probably have a few in your tackle box. Here are some great tips on how to catch the big ones with this great lure. The diversity among fisheries requires a …

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