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Top 10 Fishing Lines of 2019

July 9, 2019 | Baitshop Dave

The fishing line is one of the most important components to a successful day on the water. With so many lines to choose from, a novice angler can become overwhelmed. Luckily for you, Baitshop is here with our favorite lines …

Snapn’ the Jig

July 9, 2019 | Baitshop Dave

If you have never tried this simple technique, prepared to have your mind blown. Snapping the jig is one of the best ways to attract even the most finicky fish. It is a technique that most fish have never seen …

Understanding the 3 Main Types of Line with Billy McDonald

July 9, 2019 | Baitshop Dave

Choosing a fishing line is a daunting process that can easily deter and beginner angler from continuing with the sport. Luckily, there are resources such as Billy McDonald to walk us through this process. Here, Billy McDonald explains to us …

The Best Fishing Tackle Box, Backpack, and Bag of 2019

July 9, 2019 | Baitshop Dave

Picture this: you’re out on the lake fishing when your hook snags on the bottom. Pull and yank as you might, you can’t get it unstuck; you need to cut the line and rig up a new lure, line, and sinkers. …

The Only 6 Lures you Need to Catch Almost any Fish

July 9, 2019 | Baitshop Dave

In this list, we have simplified the entirety of the fishing world for you. Take these 6 lures with you on your next trip to your local honey hole, and you are bound to catch a keeper. Quick History: This top­water …

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