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Demystifying Fishing Swivels: Types, Sizes, and Application
March 1, 2024 | 🪝 Featured | Baitshop Garrett
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Tag Archives: Fishing Life
Worst Fishing Trip Ever?
Sometimes fishing trips don’t go exactly as planned, and anglers will have to roll with the punches to make things work. However, other times the deck is stacked against you just like it was for the guys in the TikTok …
Ashley Mullenger is the First Woman to be Crowned Fisherman of the Year
Ashley Mullenger is the first woman to win fisherman of the year by Fishing News magazine and she said she was “quite emotional” when she received the reward. Overall, she is thrilled about the recognition and she tells Piers Morgan …
These Fishing Fails Will Have You Laughing Out Loud
While some angling trips are filled with epic catches and masterful techniques, many are simply funny failures. Luckily some of those moments are caught on camera and the video below is a collection of hilarious fishing mishaps. Did you see …
Landing California King Salmon, Underwater Footage
‘Tis the season to go king salmon fishing in California and this crew brings a unique perspective to their trip. Watch as a crew lands some big king salmon and see the epic strikes with their underwater camera. Did you …
Meet the New and Improved Flip Pallot Leader Wallet
The Flip Pallot Leader Wallet was first available to the public one year ago, and now the new model makes its debut. Check out how the best fishing leader tool ever made is now even better. As you just saw …
Alabama to have “Free Fishing Day” in June
They say the best things in life are free, and one of the best things happening in Alabama on June 11th is Free Fishing Day. On this day both residents and visitors to Alabama can fish without purchasing a license …
Tying the Hook Knot
Anglers are almost always looking for ways to get their lines in the water faster after breaks or snags and knots are a key part of getting any set up ready after a snafu. Below is a video that shows …
Huge Palomino Trout Fishing in Pennsylvania
An angler lands a rare and massive palomino trout while creek fishing in Pennsylvania. Check out all the action in the short video below. Did you see how visible that trout was from the banks of the creek? It stuck …
How to Catch Fish from the Beach
Beach fishing is unlike river or lake fishing for many reasons and as such it requires a certain approach to be successful. In the video below you’ll learn about rigging bait, where to fish, what gear to use, and more. …
Baby Dolphin Caught in Fishing Netting is Freed
Recently a baby dolphin was caught in some fishing net, but luckily someone was there to help. Check out this short video of the rescue operation below. That baby dolphin was desperately in need of help and lucky for it …