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Recipe: Grilled Blackened Red Snapper

July 9, 2019 | Baitshop Dave

Red snapper is one of the tastiest fishes one can eat. A great way to prepare it is blackened with the skin on to make it crispy ad delicious. Here is our favorite blackened red snapper recipe. Ingredients 1 teaspoon paprika …

The Best Craft Beers You Need to Try in 2019

July 9, 2019 | Baitshop Dave

Craft beer connoisseurs dilettantes alike love to try new craft beers. With craft beer increasing rapidly in popularity, this is a great hobby to be interested in. Below are the top craft beers you need to try in 2019. January …

The 10 Best Burgers in the USA 2019

July 9, 2019 | Baitshop Dave

The search for the best burger in the USA is a search that will go on for eternity. However, we have narrowed it down to 10 right here for you. Let us know which burger you think is the best! …

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