Fishing News


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2-Year-Old’s First Fishing Trip Lands Him a Photo Contest Win

September 8, 2023 | Baitshop Garrett

In a heartwarming tale of beginners’ luck, a 2-year-old boy from Alabama has reeled in not just his first fish but also a victory in the Alabama Black Belt Adventures Association’s 2023 Best Fish Photo Contest. Brandon Hornsby and his …

Florida Fishing Update: Waiting for the Mullet Migration

September 7, 2023 | Baitshop Garrett

While mullet may not have calendars, they sure know how to keep anglers on their toes. As September rolls in, so does the one question that’s become an annual tradition: Where are the mullet? Now, let’s get one thing straight …

Washington and Idaho Steelhead Run Expected to be Strong this Season

September 1, 2023 | Baitshop Brandy

Fish managers in Idaho are expecting a strong run of steelhead this fall, with about 34,000 fish forecast to return to the Clearwater River. This would be the third-largest run since 2011. Another 26,000 steelhead are expected to return to …

Veterans Find Healing Through Fly Fishing

August 31, 2023 | Baitshop Kevin

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing is a non-profit organization that provides fly fishing and fly tying instruction and outings to veterans and active military personnel who have sustained physical or emotional injuries. The organization has over 200 locations nationwide, including …

Minnesota Teen’s Remarkable Fishing Catch: A Wallet with a Heartwarming Tale

August 31, 2023 | Baitshop Garrett

On a fishing excursion this summer, Minnesota teenager Connor Halsa had a catch that far exceeded his expectations. Instead of a fish, he reeled in a wallet from the bottom of Lake of the Woods. What followed was a heartwarming …

Exploring the Depths: Unveiling the Fascinating World of Deep Sea Fishing

August 30, 2023 | Baitshop Kevin

Delving into the realm of fishing is an adventure that takes enthusiasts to diverse and intriguing locations. Among the most captivating experiences lies deep sea fishing, specifically in depths exceeding 200 meters. As we venture into this aquatic arena, let’s …

Monster Mahi Mahi: Washington Fisherman Hooks Record-breaking 21-pound Catch

August 30, 2023 | Baitshop Kelly

The waters off Westport, Washington, have yielded a jaw-dropping surprise as an angler reeled in a colossal 21-pound mahi mahi fish, setting a new record. Renowned for its vibrant colors and swift movements, this dolphinfish, also known as dorado, made …

Madison Angler’s Surprising Shark Encounter While Paddleboarding

August 30, 2023 | Baitshop Kelly

Eddie Carroll, a Madison local and avid angler, had an unexpected experience during a fishing trip on his paddleboard. Initially targeting Blue Fish for a tournament, he ended up hooking onto a Brown Shark, an encounter he was unprepared for. …

Influx of Mangrove Snapper Delights Anglers in Anna Maria Island Waters

August 29, 2023 | Baitshop Brandy

Anna Maria Island’s inshore and nearshore waters are currently experiencing a delightful invasion of mangrove snapper. Anglers are taking full advantage of this opportunity, with many successfully filling their coolers with the flavorful catch. To make the most of this …

Alaskan Angler Breaks State Record with Massive Rockfish Catch

August 27, 2023 | Baitshop Brandy

Keith Degraff, a seasoned port captain and former fishing guide, embarked on a fateful fishing expedition on July 28th in Prince William Sound. On this particular day, his focus shifted from pleasing clients to pursuing a record-setting catch. With meticulous …

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